Reading for August

Sensing a very positive outcome for work or work project. New plans, new beginnings, very positive outcome. This is especially good news to those who have been working hard on a project to get it to completion. A personal sense of fulfillment and achievement. Strong appreciation of all your hard work.

Hear things you have asked for, things that you are working toward, an emotional situation that you would like to work out. We see things get worked out for the best with a woman. This woman may be family, friend, co-worker. We see this is an emotional situation or it gives you an emotional feeling. We see you are going to have the chance to speak your peace, put it all out there, to clear the air with this woman. We see that while emotions may be at the front of all this, it is all a matter of putting things behind you and allowing yourself to move forward from that spot, starting new. Working things out, we feel it is possible to move forward, to put things behind you and correct that situation with this woman.

We see there are many couples at present that are in a rough patch right now with their partners. Hearing there may be more news coming concerning the issues between you. Focus on your connection, and what it is you really want. There may be some emotional things you need to look at concerning yourself. Take this time to have an honest long look at those things within you, those unpleasant feelings that get you into a situation with your partner. There is an opportunity here to make some positive personal changes for both of you. Know and understand the reason why you are going through this uneasiness with your partner, is because this situation came about so you can focus on what it is about yourself and your certain way of reacting in situations. We see this is a good opportunity to work on self so you can to grow together and be at your best for each other.

Workable solutions to that which has not come to fruition. This may be a good time to start something new. To those who are interested in starting a new business, have thought about putting more money into a current business, or trying to pick up a different area of your business. We see this may be a good time to do that. Hearing there may be opportunities coming your way that will give you the green light, to say yes this feels right. A clear sign to start your new business, expand, or pick up that extra equipment. To do what ever it is that you wanted to put into your business.

This is a energy snapshot of what my guides have given me to share this month. The information in this reading will resonate with those who it was meant for.