Reading for October

We see a situation you may have with your mother, or a motherly type figure in your life. See there is disagreement or uneasiness between you. The energy shifting and you have a chance to talk and straighten things out, and returning to a smooth balance again.

Sensing energy with health. We see some may not be feeling 100%. With this we hear you have been talking about going, but keep putting off going to see your doctor, or your holistic health care provider. Time for a check up, it is time to go in and be seen by a licensed professional so you can get back to feeling well again and be your absolute best.

We see opportunity for more income. Hear information coming to you fairly soon connected with money and making more of an income. Sensing a new position or promotion, a raise in pay, or a new job. The energy is positive around employment, money and more of it coming in.

We see new addition to the family, happiness and strong energies around family expansion. A happy time, a good time. This is good news for those who are thinking about starting a family or if you have been trying to have a baby. To those who are not trying to have a baby, new member of the family may be a new pet, a new cat or dog, or other pet, new addition to the family. We see energy around this starting this month and over the next 7 months, OR activity around this October to July.

This is a energy snapshot of what my guides have given me to share this month. The information in this reading will resonate with those who it was meant for.